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  4. Department of Intercultural Communication and Linguistics

Department of Intercultural Communication and Linguistics


Head of department, candidate of pedagogical sciences


556 165 372


September 20, 1959



Last visit:

7 months ago

History of the department

Due to the shortage of such specialists as linguists and translators in the Jalal-Abad region, Candidate of Phylological Sciences, Associate Professor G.A. Satybaldieva became the initiator who proposed to open the relevant specialities.

In 2011-2012 academic year such speciality as translation and translation studies was founded and 22 students were enrolled. Thus, the Department of Translation, Translation Studies and German Language was opened, where Associate Professor G.A. Satybaldieva and Senior Lecturer K. Osmonova started their teaching activities.

Based on the decision taken by the Academic Council at the seventh meeting on 6 June 2012 by order No. 183 the department was renamed as the Department of Linguistics, the head of which was appointed Candidate of Phylological Sciences, Associate Professor Satybaldieva G.A. In 2012-2013 academic year 20 students were recruited, to whose education senior lecturers Osmonova K, Myrzakulova K, Toromamatova M., Kerimberdieva A., and lecturers Asilova N., Koichukulova J., and Kasymova N. made a great contribution.

In 2013, on the basis of the decision made at the seventh meeting of the Academic Council by the order No. 183 of 6 July 2013, the Department of Foreign Language was disbanded and its teaching staff was joined to the Department of Linguistics, where the number of teachers reached 15 people, including 1 candidate of sciences, associate professor, 8 senior teachers, 4 lecturers, 2 trainee teachers and 1 head of the office.

Senior lecturers of the department Zholdoshbaeva Y., Abdykalykova C. and Ergasheva D. were preparing their dissertation work for defence. Trainee teacher Turdalieva N. studied in postgraduate studies and worked on her thesis. Other senior teachers Oskonbaeva S., Asylbekova D., Kushbakova C., Turdalieva N. and Emilbekova R. conducted teaching and methodological works to help young teachers in applying innovative teaching methods.

Due to the heavy workload of 19.5 posts, the interdepartmental chair of English language consisting of 11 persons was separated from the chair of intercultural communication and linguistics, the other 14 teachers remained at the old chair.

Based on the decision made by the Academic Council at the meeting of 2 July 2021 by the order № 185 the head was appointed Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Zholdoshbaeva Y. K. 

Educational activities of the department

The Department of Intercultural Communication and Linguistics trains specialists in the direction 531100 Linguistics, profile "Theory and practice of intercultural communication (English language)". The department has developed and implements the Basic Educational Programme (BEP) for the direction 531100 Linguistics, profile "Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication (English)". For the graduates of this direction a competence model of the graduate is created. It contains the understanding and definition of the graduate competence model, the basis and structure of the model development, the peculiarities of the graduate's professional activity, as well as the competences to be developed in the graduate. A catalogue of elective courses of the variable part of the curriculum in the direction 531100 Linguistics was created. A strategic plan for the development of the department for 2021-2026 has been developed.

Teaching staff of the department

Scientific directions of the department

1.Intercultural communication

2.Speech act theory

3.Peculiarities of the language situation in the KR

4 Features of speech acts in English and Kyrgyz linguocultures

5. Some peculiarities of terminological lexicon of the Chemshil language of Kyrgyzstan

Scientific potential of the department. Senior lecturer of the department, postgraduate student M.M.Akbuyukov under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, B.E.Darbanov is working on a PhD thesis on "Theory of speech acts". The head of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences Y.K.Zholdoshbaeva is working on a doctoral dissertation on "Methodology of formation of multilingual competence of students of higher educational institutions" under the scientific guidance of Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, S.S.Sakieva. Teachers of the department participate in scientific conferences and seminars, receive diplomas and certificates. Publishes scientific articles in RINC, SCOPUS, WEB of SCIENCE and other local scientific editions. Under the guidance of senior lecturer M. M. Akbuyukov there is a circle "I am a translator".

Educational and methodical activity of the department

The faculty members of the department have compiled syllabuses, lecture courses and teaching materials for all disciplines for students of the profile "Theory and practice of intercultural communication (English)". There were written 5 monographs on linguistics, 7 textbooks, 6 manuals, more than 50 scientific-methodical complexes on disciplines, about 200 articles. In short, the teachers of the department actively participate in various trainings and seminars, improving their qualification and becoming holders of diplomas and certificates.

The teachers of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Linguistics have been honoured with state awards for their services and achievements in the educational field:

 Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Sciences - 3 teachers were awarded 

 Distinction of excellence in education of the Kyrgyz Republic - 2 teachers

 Certificate of Honour of JASU - 4 teachers

Educational activities of the department

The teaching staff of the department actively carries out educational work with students and parents. The social and educational activity of the department is carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of normative documents of JASU named after B.Osmonov. Parents of students with interest participate in the development of BEP, competence model of graduate and curriculum of the department. At the moment there are 4 groups, in each group from 12 to 20 students.

Employment of graduates in the direction 531100 Linguistics profile "Theory and practice of intercultural communication"

In order to employ graduates of the speciality "Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication (Enslish)", the faculty members of the department and students annually take part in job fairs. At job fairs employers announce vacancies in the relevant speciality, meetings with employers are organised to find a job after graduation and obtaining diplomas of higher education. University students undergo practical training in organisations and translation centres of the city. A direct link with employers has been established. Employers take an active part in the development and discussion of the Bachelor's degree programme, curriculum and CMG of JASU.