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Training Division

Taalaibek Egemberdievich

Head of the educational department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor



Last visit:

1 year ago

About the educational department

The Educational Department is a structural unit that provides planning and organization of the educational process based on the state educational standard, the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Education”, the laws of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Jalal-Abad State University is progressing self-development in terms of educational, methodological and qualitative indicators using new educational technologies and has achieved positive results. For 25 years, the following vice-rectors have worked and contributed to improving the educational process: Zhailoobaev N. (1993-2004), Borkoev B.M. (2004-2005), Alybaev K.S. (2005-2009), Usenov K.Zh. (2009-2016). Since 2016, the vice-rector for academic affairs has been a doctor of technical Sciences Sciences, Professor Alibayev Atabek Pakhyrovich. The following leaders contributed to the improvement of the educational process: A.Karimov, B. Orozbayev, E. Satkan kulov, U. Kudainazarov, M. Babakulov, A. Egemberdieva, Ch. Ismailova, Z.Azhibayeva, K.Uraimov. Since September 2016, the educational department has been headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sakbayeva Zulfiya Israilovna.

The department employs 7 wholesale leading inspectors (Mirzakhmedova A., Ergeshova T., Temirova A., Mavlyanov N., Irisova G., Kuvakov S., Turdubaev E.) and determine the current direction in education, offering methodological guidance.

The educational part for the transition to a two-level education system based on credit technology performs a number of works and, together with the CIT, conducts seminars and trainings for teaching staff. The AVN information system has been implemented at ZHAGA and the information bases of students and teachers have been automated. To improve the quality of education, an electronic bulletin has been introduced, tests and SRS are uploaded to the AVN information system, and the module, credit, exams are conducted through “Computer Testing".

The main purpose of the educational department is to ensure effective planning, organization, management and control of the educational process in accordance with the resolutions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the laws of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the law “On Education” of the Kyrgyz Republic, state educational standards in the training of highly qualified specialists capable of making a theoretical and practical contribution to the socio-economic development of the republic.

Functions of the Training Department

1. Organizes the educational process at the University and pursues the goal of increasing its effectiveness. Performs work in accordance with the requirements of the University's regulatory documents, decisions of the ASU Academic Council and instructions from the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

2. Ensures the approval of the schedules of the educational process drawn up by the departments and deans, the schedule of classes, the schedules of summer and winter sessions, the schedule of independent work.

3. Controls the transfer of students from one course to another, deductions from the university, the provision of academic leave, documents transferred from other universities, students.

4. Controls the course of the examination sessions, the LAZ, the organization of the staff of the SAC and the order of their work.

5. Checks the distribution of teaching staff workload, staff form and staff schedule.

6. Ensures the timely conduct of classes and, in case of disruption of classes, takes appropriate measures.

7. Analyzes the activities carried out by the departments and mutual attendance of classes.

8. Develops new forms of forms of documents, orders them to the printing house and provides them to faculties, departments and colleges.

9. Participates in clarifying the student body for the new academic year. Determines the total number of university students, the movement of students during the academic year and prepares appropriate analytical proposals to the rector and Vice-rector for academic affairs.

10. Analyzes the completion of students' theses and term papers and their results.

11. Checks the correctness of filling out academic certificates issued to students who have dropped out of the number of students and registers them.