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In 2016, the ROAD (Regional Objectives of Administrative Development) project was approved by ERASMUS+. The head coordinator of the project is Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the strategy of local development of civil servants. Specific goals are the creation of a training and consulting center in JASU (ROAD Training and Consulting Center), where training and consulting of local government employees will be conducted taking into account local development trends. recommendations for a local development strategy will be developed. Recommendations for a local development strategy will be developed. Training and retraining of high-ranking government employees of the Kyrgyz Republic will help the formation of a strong, modern and effective civil service. The project contributes to this goal by developing and implementing a new training scheme that will significantly improve the public sector through the promotion of the principles of transparency, ethics and democracy. The partners of the project among the JASU are:

1. Instituto Superior Técnico, координатор – Portugal;

2. International University for the Humanities and Development – Turkmenistan

3. Turkmen State Institute of Finance – Turkmenistan;

4. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya – Spain;

5. Universitat Rovira i Virgili – Spain;

6. Escola d’Administració Pública – Spain;

7. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – Spain;

8. Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan – Sweden;

9. Capacity Building Consulting Group – Bishkek;

10. Issykkul State University named after K.Tynystanov – Issyk-Kul;

11. Arabaev Kyrgyz State University – Bishkek.

As part of the project has begun planned realization activities:

  • In March 2017, an initial meeting of coordinators was held in Lisbon (Portugal), which was attended Professor Eshiev Asylbek;
  • Since April 2017, in the frame of the project has begun on a questionnaire among representatives of local self-government bodies, taking into account which further plans for the implementation of the project will be planned;
  • In June 2017, a training for trainers was held in Bishkek.