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Department of Science, Master's, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies


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The Department of Science, Master's, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of Jalal-Abad State University is a structure of ZhASU, which implements a multi-level educational policy and scientific activities of an educational institution. In connection with the adoption of the Bologna system in Kyrgyzstan in the 2018-2019 academic year, admission to graduate school in all specialties has been suspended. In the 2019-2020 academic year, by order No. 712/1 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (September 4, 2020, protocol No. 13-23), a master's program in pedagogical areas (philological specialties: Kyrgyz literature, English literature; in physical and mathematical direction: mathematics; in the pedagogical direction: primary education; in the field of natural education: chemistry, biology, geography). In connection with the opening of the master's, the department of magistracy and PhD doctoral studies was organized (Order No. 192 of November 12, 2020). Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Chokoeva D.M. was appointed the head of the department. (Order No. 195 of 11/19/2020). Postgraduate studies for the 2021-2022 academic year have been opened with the functioning of the master's. In this regard, the name of the department of master's and PhD doctoral studies has been changed to the department of science, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies (Order No. 262 of October 19, 2021). The department is headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor D.M. Chokoeva The department oversees multi-level planned work on the educational process, admits postgraduate students, submits topics and supervisors for approval to the Academic Council, supervises the writing of research papers, and organizes courses for passing candidate minimums twice a year. Carries out control of the educational, methodological and material and technical equipment of master's educational programs. Develops internal regulations based on the regulatory documents of the Kyrgyz Republic on education and science in the course of master's, postgraduate and scientific work. Based on these documents, scientific projects are developed, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, lectures, round tables are organized, scientific journals and monographs are published. All works are carried out under the guidance of the head of the department, associate professor D.M. Chokoeva. Abdrazakova Gulmira Abdyzhaparovna, who has been working as a senior inspector in the department since 2013, in addition to assisting in the work of the magistracy, accepts documents from applicants for admission to graduate school, organizes entrance exams, courses for conducting a candidate minimum, accepts reports from graduate students, makes recommendations to the research council University. The second senior inspector of the department Sulaymanova Gulen Kantoroevna maintains the documents of the magistracy, accepts and draws up scientific articles incoming to the department, sends them to the editorial office of the journal “Bulletin of JASU ” for printing. In addition, senior inspectors assist in organizing the planned scientific activities of the department (scientific and practical conferences, meetings, seminars, round tables, scientific lectures). of the Republic "On Education", regulations on higher educational institutions, the charter of JASU, regulations on science activities. The activities of the department are aimed at making a balanced contribution to the direct implementation of the science development policy, integrating the educational institution into the Kyrgyz and world scientific trends, improving the living standards of the region's population through its scientific achievements, positively addressing social issues, the growth and development of philosophical, humanitarian, cultural and democratic consciousness of society.

Employees of the department:

Abdrazakova Gulmira Abdyzhaparovna -senior inspector

Sulaimanova Gulen Kantoroevna - senior inspector