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Faculty of Education named after E. Umetov

The Faculty of Pedagogy and Information Technology is based on two faculties: the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies. Faculty "Pedagogy" has a 90-year history. On the basis of the order of the rector No. 163 / 1 dated May 14, 1993 and by the decision of the academic council of JASU, one of the first faculties in the structure of JASU was formed the Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty on the basis of the Jalal-Abad Pedagogical College named after A.S. Pushkin, known among the Union republics . The dean of the faculty was appointed Ph.D., associate professor, scientist E. Umetov, who made a huge contribution to education and the formation of the University.

At the Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty, under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor BekbolotovTursunbekBekbolotovich, the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering was formed, and students were admitted in the specialty "Computer and Programming".

Due to the lack of highly qualified, experienced specialists, a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor UsenovKeneshbekZhumabekovich was invited from Bishkek and appointed head of the department.

Given the lack of specialists in the region, the material and technical base and the qualifications of personnel, the decision of the Academic Council and bythe order of the rector No. 117 of 01.24.2002. The Faculty of New Information Technologies was formed. The dean of the faculty was appointed doctor of technical sciences, professorUsenovKeneshbekZhumabekovich.

The educational building has wireless Internet (WI-FI) and students can use the Internet at any time. Free and unlimited.

In 2013, based on the decision of the JASU, Academic Council on 10.06.2013. and order No. 55, the faculties of "Pedagogy" and "Information and Communication Technologies" were merged and in connection with the dissolution of the Jalal-Abad branch of the Kyrgyz State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, the faculty was reorganized into "Pedagogy and Information Technologies", and the doctor of agricultural sciences was appointed dean of the faculty Sciences, Professor AmankulovaTalchakanKaiypzhanovna. In May 2016, a competition was announced for the position of dean of the faculty, and RaevZamirbekZholchuevich was elected dean by a majority vote of the teaching staff.n January 2017, due to the untimely death of ZamirbekZholchievichRaev, on the basis of the order of the rector No. 1/22 of 01/24/2017. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences AzhykulovSaparbekMazhitovich was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Information Technologies.

In May 2018, a competition was announced for the position of dean of the faculty and, by a majority of votes of the teaching staff, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor ShamshievRasulKeneshovich (No. 1/135, dated May 29, 2018) was elected dean.

By order of the Council of Scientists No. 181 dated June 30, 2022, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Information Technology named after. It was transformed into the Faculty of Education named after Umetov.

At the Faculty of Pedagogy and Information Technology, when Ph.D., associate professor AzhykulovSaparbekMazhitovich worked as a dean, a number of significant works were successfully implemented.

For example, on April 15, 2017, the “6th Regional University Olympiad” was held for students in the southern region of the republic at the University of Economics and Entrepreneurship. Students from universities of Osh, Jalal-Abad, Batken regions participated in the Olympiad, students from the faculty of PIT 13 successfully won prizes.

In addition, on April 14, 2018, at the “VII Regional Olympiad” held among university students at the Osh Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, students from the PMTF took 1-2-3 places, a total of 11 prizes.

And also, at the competition on multilingualism held among the states of Central Asia, they were holders of a diploma of the 1st degree.

According to the scientific work of the faculty at the Department of History, 2 dissertations were defended: MyrzabaevaNurzhamalSasalimovna and AnarbekovaVeneraErkinbekovna.or the implementation of Academic Mobility, students from PITF visited and took part in six monthly and annual courses in order to improve their knowledge in the universities of our country like OSHSU, OSHTU, BSU, as well as universities of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to exchange work experience, S.M.Azhykulov, together with the teaching staff of JASU, visited the People's Republic of China at Xinjiang University in the city of Urumchu and in the city ofQing in pedagogical and technical universities.

Students of the T-1-15 group of the “History” direction visited the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilov in Astana, they successfully studied there for the fourth semester, and were also awarded diplomas, letters of thanks. At the inter-faculty competition held at JASU, PMTF

took first place, and was the owner of the “Best Faculty” nomination, in addition, they were awarded diplomas and cash prizes:

• The best department: I place - Department of "Philosophy and Humanities" named after Professor Sh.M. Niyazaliev;

• Best scientific monograph: 1st place – Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education.

• The best circle: The first place - circle "Epsilon", head - teacher of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Technology of Teaching Mathematics SharapovSardarbekTurgunovich. Students of the direction of Mathematics for active participation in the international Olympiad online were awarded a diploma from the Ural Pedagogical University.

On the initiative of S.M.Azhykulov, for the first time at the PITF,(Pedagogy and information technology faculty) a “Graduation Ceremony” was organized for all graduates of the faculty and the best graduates were awarded with diplomas, letters of appreciation, and letters of thanks.

With the support of the Rector of JASU, K.Zh.Usenov, on the initiative of the Dean of the PITF,(Pedagogy and informationtechnology faculty) S.M.Azhykulov, a wall of exhibitions called “Achievements of the Faculty” and 1 large module graphs), as well as 1 computer class issued for use.

In addition, the dean of the faculty S.M. Azhykulov organized a banner with portraits of previously working deans, current heads of departments, professors, doctors, candidates, associate professors of sciences and teachers with many years of experience at the faculty.

Dean of the faculty R.K.Under the leadership of Shamshiev, all educational programs for 2019-2020.Successfully passed national and international accreditations.

Thanks to the merits and demand for quality education, the Faculty was awarded a continuous Presidential Scholarship for 2018-2022.

These are: Usenov Adilet-2017, Sultanova Kurmanzhan-2018, Esenbaeva Klara-2019, Sultanova Klara-2020, Kashojaeva Barchina-2021, Amiraeva Bibigul-2022.

The educational process was organized at the appropriate level, various activities were carried out to develop the educational process.

Measures have been taken to hold events on significant dates such as “Day of Veterans of the Afghan War”, “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”, “International Women's Day”, “Day of the Elderly”, “International Children's Day”, “Day of People with Disabilities”,

A close relationship was established with the “Children's Home” and the Social Stationary Institution “House for the Elderly and People with Disabilities” located in the village of Oktyabr, Suzak District, and measures were taken to hold holidays, concert programs, give various gifts, hold subbotniks and constantly visit children and the elderly people. Achievements in sports

AsanovEsen, a student of the DT-1-15 group - an international class master of sports of the Kyrgyz Republic, was the winner of international competitions.

AbdurakhmanovAbdurakhman, a student of the DTk-1-16 group, is a boxing member of the Kyrgyz Republic, won first place in boxing in a tournament held in the city of Karaganda of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

SeksenbaevEldiyar, a student of the DTk-2-16 group, is the winner of the International Wrestling Tournaments “Alysh”, named several times the champion and master of sports of the Kyrgyz Republic.

TilebaldievKahraman, a student of the DTk-1-16 group - in 2017 became a two-time champion of the II League of the Universiade in track and field athletics held among the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic.

AnarbaevKasym, a student of the group DT-1-19-2022, became the champion in the XXI International Issyk-Kul sports games wrestling "Alysh"

In May 2018, a competition was announced for the position of dean of the faculty and, by a majority of votes of the teaching staff, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor ShamshievRasulKeneshovich (No. 1/135, dated May 29, 2018) was elected dean.

Currently, the faculty trains competent specialists in the following specialties: "Physics", "Mathematics", "Computer Science", "Automated Systems for Information Processing and Control", "History", "Physical Education", "Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Social

Information on staff training is presented in the table below:

Code/Code Specialty Qualification level Duration of study Form of study
550200 Informatics Bachelor 4 years Full-time
7100100 Automated information processing and control systems Bachelor 4 years Full-time
550000 Primary education Bachelor Bachelor 4 years Full-time
550200 FMO Mathematics Bachelor 4 years Full-time
550200 Physics Bachelor 4 years Full-time
55400 History Bachelor 4 years Full-time
521900 Physical training Bachelor 4 years Full-time

Master's degree

To obtain a master's degree from the 2020-2021 academic year, the faculty began to prepare undergraduates under the program of pedagogical and physics and mathematics education. Currently, in the direction of pedagogy, training is underway in pedagogy and methods of primary education, as well as in the profile of mathematics in the program of physical and mathematical education. Candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences are involved in the organization of lectures and practical classes on the organization of the educational process of undergraduates, scientific and pedagogical activities are being improved. Particular attention is paid to the scientific and pedagogical activities of undergraduates. Various events are held with employers and undergraduates to discuss the basic education program. The Faculty of Pedagogy and Information Technologies organizes round tables, scientific seminars, scientific conferences to improve the research activities of undergraduates.

Currently, the faculty has 6 departments:

• Department of Higher Mathematics and Technology of Teaching Mathematics;

• Department of Theories and Methods of Primary Education;

• Department of "Physical culture and sport";

• Department of "Physics and Informatics";

• Department of "Automated control systems";

• Department of "History";

Material and technical base:

The technical base of the faculty consists of 35 classrooms, 7 computer classes, 4 interactive whiteboards, 26 printers, 5 projectors, 125 computers and 7 educational and scientific laboratories that provide students with a deep study of technical disciplines, as well as their performance, under the guidance of scientists from the faculty of fundamental and applied scientific -research work.

Teaching staff

The teaching staff includes 93 teachers, including 93 full-time teachers, 6 doctors of sciences, 20 candidates of sciences, 43 senior teachers and 3 trainee teachers.

Leading scientists and teachers of the Kyrgyz Republic work at the faculty, including laureates of the state awards of the Kyrgyz Republic, honored educators of the Kyrgyz Republic, scientists and inventors.

Research activities

Research directions of the faculty

• Pedagogy

• Psychology

• History

• Physical Education

• Mathematics and Problems of Teaching Mathematics" (supervisor - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. K.S. Alybaev)

• Development of training of qualified personnel in the conditions of the Bologna system (supervisor - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor AvanovaZh.A.)

• Computer modeling of geomechanical phenomena

• Development of distance learning technologies

2 PhDs were defended in 2018.

In 2018, 25 monographs, 82 scientific articles, 7 textbooks were published, 4 of them under the heading of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2 computer programs, 3 patents were registered, as well as databases, typologies of integrated circuits, certificates of state registration of copyrights.

Employees of the university took part in 38 conferences of various levels, 12 conferences were organized on the basis of the university, including international ones. Students are also involved in scientific work. Students are required to use computers when performing term papers and theses. Many works are of fundamental and applied nature. More than half of the diploma works of the students of the faculty have a practical orientation and are commissioned by enterprises and government agencies.

The faculty conducts and supports the Olympiad movement

Students of the faculty annually participate in Olympiads between the university and international ones, and many are prize-winners.

The international cooperation

• Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk

• Polytechnic University, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

• Uzbek National University named after M. Ulugbek, Tashkent

• Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

• Tashkent State University

• Kazakh Pedagogical University named after. abaya

• State Pedagogical University of Tajikistan

• L.N. Gamilev Eurasian National University

• Ural State Pedagogical University (Russia)

• Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi

Relations between universities of the Kyrgyz Republic

1. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

2.Educational Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic

3.Kyrgyz Technical University

4.Slavonic University

6. Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev

7. Bishkek Humanitarian University

8. Osh State University

9.Tala State University

10.Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University

11. Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagun

12. Naryn State University named after S. Namatov

13. Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanova

14. Osh Social University

15. Osh Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute

16. Osh Technological University

17. Batken State University


705 students study at the faculty, 397 of them on a budgetary basis, 305 on a contract basis.During its existence, the faculty has trained more than 17,000 graduates in the educational standard of the Kyrgyz Republic. They are in demand in production, in the administrative, educational and cultural spheres of the Kyrgyz Republic. Student practice takes place in the most prestigious institutions, organizations and enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic.