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  4. Department of Automated Control Systems

Department of Automated Control Systems


Head of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences


551 960 005


November 27, 1983



Last visit:

11 months ago

Automated Control Systems

The Department of Automated Control System was opened in 1995. ( order No. 6-p of 29.05.94) and renamedа the Department "АвтоматизированныAutomated Control Systems" in 2000.

Since the opening of the department and until 2004,the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences,ProfessorN. Zh. Zhailoobayev, in 2004-2005-Candidate of Technical Sciences,Associate Professor N. P. Alibayev, in 2005-2007-Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor N. K. Akmatov, in 2007-2009-Senior Rev.A.M. Termechikova, in 2009-2016 Ph. D., Associate Professor Z. I. Imankulov, in 2016 May-September Ph. D., Associate Professor Z. A. Asilova, in 2016-2019 Ph. D., Associate Professor V. T. Muratalieva, since February 2019 (by order 1/117 of 22.02.2019) works Ph. D.Azhykulov Saparbek Mazhitovich.

Educational activities

Currently, the Department is under the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic On approval of State educational standards of Higher Professional Education dated September 15, 2015, No. 1179/1, State Educational Standard of Higher professional Education in the direction 710100 Informatics and Computer Engineering, training profile "Automated information processing and management systems" approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic September 15, 2015, No. 1179/1, and taking into account the needs of the labor market and other interested parties, it was developed Basic educational program(OOP) in 710100 Computer Science and Engineering, training profile Automated information processing and management systems with clearly defined educational goals and clearly defined expected learning outcomes and competence model of the graduate.

The Department provides the following academic disciplines:

• Architecture of computers and systems

• Database

• ASOI design

• ASOI Architecture

• Fundamentals of computer-aided design


•  Electronics,Electrical engineering and circuit engineering

• Design and development of information systems

• Digital and microprocessor technology

• Computers and peripherals

• Operating systems

• Development of client-server applications

• Networks and telecommunications

• Frontend development

• Backend development

• Fundamentals of numerical methods for automation tasks

• Information technology

• Metrology, standardization and certification

• Digital and microprocessor technology

• Fundamentals of Web Application Design

• Fundamentals of management theory

• Human-machine interface design

• Mathematical modeling of systems

• Visual application development tools

• Real-time systems

• Computer hardware and software

• Computer Science

• Introduction to professional activities

Centers, offices, laboratories

The departmenthas one teaching and methodological room, one лекциlecture and multimedia room, 2 laboratory classrooms " Informationаand Control Engineering "named after Tursunbekа Bekbolotovа and"3D Modeling, Robotics and mechatronics"

List of faculty members

  • Usenov Keneshbek Jumabekovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
  • Nusupova Roza Sarypbekovna,Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Azhykulov Saparbek Mazhitovich,Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,Associate Professor Head of the Department
  • Dmitry Mikhailov, Candidateof Technical Sciences, Professor

List of teaching staff

·         Azhykulov Saparbek Mazhitovich, Candidate of  Pedagogical Sciences,Associate Professor Head of the Department

·         Nusupova Roza Sarypbekovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor;

·         Batyrova Yryskan Miyzamovna, senior teacher;

·         Termechikova Altynkan Mamytovna, senior teacher;

·         Narmatova Nurgul Toktalievna, teacher.

·         Sherkulov Rafael Rashidovich,senior teacher

·         Nyshanov Bakyt Mikhailovich, teacher

·         Konurova Sharipa Tologonovna,teacher

Educational and methodical work

Teachers of the department have prepared textbooks, teaching materials, teaching materials and visual aids on the subjects assigned to the department. The laboratory room of the department is equipped with more than 100 laboratory rooms for conducting classes in Computer Science and for academic disciplines –Bachelor'sИDegreein Mathematics and Computer Engineering. When conducting classes, visual materials are used (stands, tables, CDs, videos). The department's laboratories are equipped with the necessary equipment (PCs, interactive whiteboards, projectors,3D printers,scanners,artificial intelligence,3D laser printers, powerful PC’s, etc.).

International cooperation

The Department maintains scientific and educational relations withщими leading universities of the near and far abroad:

·         National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek

·         Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk Новосибирск

·         Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University,  Bishkek

·         Polytechnic University,  РосNizhny Novgorod, Russia

·         .Ulugbek Uzbek National University M.Ulukbeka, Tashkent

·         Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov ,Bishkek

·         Kyrgyz State University of Construction and Transport ,Bishkek

·         Osh State University, Osh

·         Osh State Technical University, Osh

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, students of the specialty "Informatics and Computer Engineering" can study for one semester at any university of the Kyrgyz Republic.