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Economics and Law Faculty


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The history of establishment of the Faculty of Economics as a separate structure of the University begins on May 22, 2000 by order No.188 on the basis of "Accounting and Audit", "Finance and Credit" and "Economic Theory" Departments.

The founders of the Faculty are Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zholboldu Nyshanbaevich Alykulov, Senior Lecturer Kamil Abdullaevich Maksytov, Candidate of Economic Sciences Begizhon Madaminovich Turdubekov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bekmamat Turgunbaevich Zhooshbaev - first Dean of the Faculty.

Since its establishment, the Faculty has undergone many transformations. The Faculty of Economics and Law was established in 2015.

The Faculty of Economics and Law is a dynamically developing educational structure for the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of economics, law, social work.

Information on personnel training is presented in the table below:

KR code Name Qualification (degree) Training period
580100 Economics, "Finance and Credit" profile Bachelor  4
580100 Economics, "Accounting, analysis and audit" profile Bachelor  4
530500 Law Bachelor 4
540200 Social job Bachelor 4

Upon graduation, students receive state diplomas of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Faculty has 4 Departments:

v    "Economics, Accounting and Finance";

v    "Civil law and Advocacy";

v    "Criminal Law Disciplines"

v    "Philosophy and Humanities named after Professor Sh.Niyazalieva".

Material- technical base

The material and technical base of the Faculty consists of 6 educational and educational-scientific laboratories, providing a deep study of economic and legal disciplines for students, as well as implementation of scientific research by them under the guidance of scientists of the Faculty.

Academic staff

There are 39 teachers, among them 26 are full-time teachers, 13 are part-time teachers. 8 Doctors of Science and 13 Candidates of Science.

The leading scientists and teachers of the Kyrgyz Republic teach at the Faculty. Academic staff consists of 13 Excellent Workers of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Worker of Accounting of the Kyrgyz Republic, Excellent Worker of Accounting and Audit of the Kyrgyz Republic, 3 Honorary Citizens of Jalal-Abad, 2 nominees for Akyl-Tirek Award.

Scientific-research activities

The Faculty has a scientific school with a major of "Economics and Management of the National Economy" 08.00.05, headed by Doctor of Economic Science - Professor Amankul Zulpukarov; Doctor of Economic Science - Professor A.K. Askarova, and Doctor of Economic Science A.B. Karbekova.

On January 12, 2021, Aziza Baymamatovna Karbekova defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic of “Cluster modernization of the Kyrgyz Republic agricultural sector economy” in the specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy.

On March 19, 2021, Sadyraliyev Zhandaraly defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of “Statistical assessment methodology of the population level and quality life impact on the human capital formation (on the example of the Kyrgyz Republic)” in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (economics, organization and enterprises, industries and complexes management).

On October 7, 2021, Gulbara Sultanbekovna Zhamasheva defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic of “Main directions for improving the mechanism of economic risks management in the current conditions of processing industry subjects development in the Kyrgyz Republic” in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy.

The faculty conducts researches with budget of 387 300 thousand KGZ for 2016 on the topic of “Comprehensive analysis of the Jalal-Abad region economy and development of practical recommendations” (A.Zulpukarov, A.Karbekova, S.Umetov).

15 monographs, more than 100 scientific articles in the refereed editions, 25 textbooks and teaching manuals have been published, including those with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. 44 works have certificates of state registration of copyright.

The Faculty members took part in 80 conferences of various levels, including the international ones. Students are also involved in scientific work. Students use the latest information technologies during performing their term papers and theses.

The faculty conducts and supports the Olympiad movement

Students Olympiad is held annually on the disciplines: “Economics” for students of economic and non-economic specialties, “Finance, Money Circulation and Credit”, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Law”. The Faculty students participate in the regional Olympiads and take prizes.

The international cooperation

The Faculty maintains scientific and educational ties with the leading universities such  as:

v    Kazan Federal University;

v    Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay;

v    Central Asian Innovation University;

v    Zhezkazgan University named after O.A.Baikonurov;

v    Bashkir State University;

v    International Sciences Academy of Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk;

v    Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law;

v    Kharkov State University;

v    Samara State University.

Domestic ties

v    Kyrgyz National University named after J.Balasagyn;

v    Kyrgyz Economic University;

v    Osh State University;

v    Naryn State University;

v    Osh Technological University;

v    International University named after K.Sh.Toktomamatov;

v    Osh Social University;

v    Batken State University;

v    Bishkek Humanities University;

v    Osh State Institute of Law;

v    National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic;

v    Kyrgyz State Law Academy under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.


There are more than two hundred students at the Faculty. During its existence, the Faculty has trained more than 2 thousand graduates in compliance with educational standards of the Kyrgyz Republic. The demand for them in production, administrative, educational and cultural spheres of Kyrgyzstan and beyond indicates a high level of training of young specialists. Student practice takes place in the most prestigious institutions, organizations and enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic.