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Criminal Law Disciplines


774 051 962


May 12, 1962



Last visit:

7 months ago


The Department of “Jurisprudence” was opened in 2011 (resolution 04/12/2011-zh. No.: 14/2 of the Academic Council of ZhASU). On March 1, 2017, in connection with the expansion of the teaching staff, the Department of “Jurisprudence” was transformed and based on three departments were formed: the department of “Civil Law and Advocacy”, the department of “Criminal Legal Disciplines” and the department of “Theory of State and Law and History”.

From the moment the department opened until 2013, the department was headed by candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Uraimov B.M., from 2013 to 2018 the head of the department was candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor R. K. Shamshiev. From 2018 to September 2024 year, the department was headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Arziev N.I.. Since October 2024, the department has been headed by Susunbaev Talaibek Zholdoshbekovich

Currently, the department provides training in the direction of 530500 Jurisprudence (bachelor).

The department operates a “Criminal Laboratory” laboratory. Here students get acquainted with educational and visual aids and receive information. The office is headed by teacher Susunbaev Talaibek, who has sufficient experience in this industry.

The departments ensure the implementation of academic disciplines:


· Criminal law No. 309

· Criminal office No. 309a

Educational and scientific

· Forensic laboratory No. 309a

The purpose of the department's

Activities is the satisfaction of cultural and educational needs of the individual in society in the implementation of educational and professional programs of higher legal education

Objectives of the department:

- improving the quality of educational services based on innovative and information technologies;

- training of competitive lawyers;

- organization and conduct of applied scientific research, educational and pedagogical experiments aimed at solving problems of education, culture and upbringing, implementation of research results in an educational institution.

Currently, the department of “Criminal Legal Disciplines” provides training in the direction 530500 Jurisprudence (Bachelor), profile Jurisprudence;

Educational activities:

Currently, the Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines provides training in the direction of 530500 Jurisprudence (Bachelor), profile Jurisprudence.

Based on the state educational standard of higher professional education of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of state educational standards of higher professional education” dated 2021) and taking into account the needs of the labor market and other interested parties, the Basic educational program in the direction 530500 “Jurisprudence” has been developed, which has clearly defined educational objectives and clearly stated expected learning outcomes. The Competency Model of the Graduate is included as a mandatory document in the OEP in the direction 530500 Jurisprudence.

Direction 530500 Jurisprudence” profile Jurisprudence of ZHASU provides for the preparation of highly qualified bachelors in the field of professional activities of law enforcement agencies, executive and representative bodies of state power and administration, state and non-state enterprises; legal professions and educational institutions, etc.

Teachers and graduate students of the department have close ties with universities, such as Osh State University, Kyrgyz State Law Academy, Osh State Law Institute, Academy of Business and Law, etc. Our employees exchange experiences and conduct research work together with employees of the above universities.

Teachers of our department actively take part in scientific and practical conferences at Osh State University, Osh State Law Institute, Academy of Business and Law, Bat State University.

Employees of the department write and publish scientific articles, textbooks, teaching aids.

The department actively holds meetings, round tables, and debates with law enforcement officers. Employees of the department were awarded various awards for active and fruitful work: Certificates of honor from ZhAGU, faculty, trade union committee of the university, region and industry.

A special feature of the department of “Criminal Legal Disciplines” is, firstly, it is an interfaculty serving department, secondly, it graduates students of the specialty “Jurisprudence”, and thirdly, it is a department that actively takes part in cultural, scientific, practical, public events of ZHASU and Jalal-Abad region.

The department has entered into bilateral agreements with law enforcement agencies of the city of Jalal-Abad and Jalal-Abad region, where students of the specialty “Jurisprudence” conduct practical classes, meetings and educational, introductory, industrial and pre-diploma internships. The department uses didactic materials, posters, stands, photo albums and electronic materials.