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Department of German and Interfaculty Foreign Languages


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Department of  German and Interfaculty foreign  languages

Department of  German language and literature. Profile «Foreign (German) language» was introduced in the faculty of Foreign Languages Department of English Grammar of JASU by the professor Myrzakulov A.R., and the first founder of the department «Translation, translation studies and German language» was the Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent Satybaldieva G.A. In 2011-year on the 1 of September Assistant docent Ch.А.Asylbekova was appointed Head of the Department. 7 staff teachers and one part-time teacher worked at the department. From the September 2012 year the department was renamed as «Department of  German language and literature». 3 senior lecturers, 3 teachers and 1 trainee teacher worked at the department. From the September 2015year the department was renamed as «Department of  German language and literature and Regional Studies» and the next year it became «German language and literature». At the moment 1Doctor of Philology, 3 Candidates of Philological Sciences (2 docents), 6 senior lecturers, 2 teachers and 1 laboratory assistant have been working at the department.  

             From the 1st of September 2022 -year on the basis of Order №226 due to association of two departments: the Department of German Language and  Literature and the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Language the new Department was formed as the Department of  German and Interfaculty foreign languages. The head of the department was appointed Asylbekova Chyrashkan Aitmyrzaevna.

In May 14, 1993, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 163/1, on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 2, 1993, Resolution of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 197 of May 10, 1993, Jalal-Abad State University was established. In the same year, the Department of Language Disciplines was formed at the Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty of JASU. The department included Kyrgyz, English and Russian languages. One of the departments of the Faculty of Philology of JASU is the interfaculty department of a foreign language, founded in March 1, 1995.

            The first head of the department was the superiority of public education A.B. Zholdoshalieva. On the basis of Order No. 278, allocated from the Department of Linguistics, from August 30, 2016 to April 2021, the department was headed by Associate Professor Zholdoshbaeva.Y.K.

On the basis of Order No. 185 dated July 2, 2021, Abdykalykova Chynara Kasybekovna was appointed the head of the interfaculty Department of a foreign language. Abdykalykova Chynara Kasybekovna has been working as a teacher at JASU since 2000. She graduated postgraduate study from JASU and now she is facing the defense of her dissertation.

From the 1st of September 2022 -year on the basis of Order №426/1 Bekieva Nurkan was appointed head of the German and interfaculty Department of foreign languages.  

From the 1st of September 2023 -year on the basis of Order №379/1 Asylbekova Chyrashkan was appointed the acting head of the German and interfaculty Department of foreign languages.  

      Department cooperates with German Programm «DAAD». The winners of the program have opportunities to develop in the free courses in all States of Germany.

The teacher of the Department G.A. Matkalykova and other teachers of the Department participated in the (BOOSH) Program and were an intern in Germany. Based on this program lecturers from Germany Alexander Barth and Alexandra Wedl conduct classes, different courses  making a contribution in the improvement of students` knowledge. At the moment the library «German language Center» operates and cooperates with Goethe Institute of Kazakstan.

                     Educational activity of the Department

Department prepares the direction of 550300 Philological education (Profile «Foreign (German)language»).

Basic educational program (BAP)of the profile «Foreign (German) language» direction 550300 Philological education has been developed. Basic educational program (BAP)(ООПТУкоесун) contains all the students and graduates activities of the given profile. A new competence model of graduates for the profile of Foreign (German) language in the direction of 550300 Philological education has been developed. The definitions and concepts of the graduate competence model, the basis and structure of the graduate competence model, the task of the activity, the characteristics of professional activity, and the formed competencies of graduates are given. (моделди ушул жерге коюлат)

 Professor-teachers staff of the Department teach modern and innovational methods. The members of the professor-teachers staff of the Department are constantly in advanced training and participate in the different scientific seminars, conferences and forums. Department teachers have the published works and articles in academic journals of the different HEI.  

Senior teacherD.I. Ergasheva is on the verge of the Defence of her candidate dissertation. Docent Ch.А. Asylbekova defended her candidate dissertation on the topic:”Linguo-semantical aspects of somatic phraseologisms in German and Kyrgyz languages” (10.02.20) in May 27th 2022 year. On April 27th  2022 ( №4к-1/6) she has received the degree of the candidate of philological science.

 Department has study-methodical room named after Candidate of Philological SciencesA.R. Myrzakulov and the center of the German language.

Department is in corporation with the following High Educational Institutes of Kyrgyzstan as KRSU, OshSU, OshTU, IU named after K. Toktomamatov and other HEI of the neigbouring countries as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Department has published 2 monographs, 12 educational methodological complexes, 15 teaching aids,

7 courses of lectures and 65 scientific articles.

Awards of teachers of the Department of  Department of  German and Interfaculty foreign languages:

1.Certificate of honor of Ministry of Education of KR- 5

2.Certificate of honor of the excellent worker of the professional union of Ministry of Education of KR- 1

3.Certificate of honor of the Teachers Union of the German language of Ministry of Education -5

4.Certificate of honor of the regional professional union - 6

5.Certificate of honor of the City Council -6

6.Certificate of honor of  JASU- 14

7.Certificate of honor of the professional union of JASU- 9

8.Certificate of honor of the faculty- 20

Professor-teachers staff of the Department of  German and Interfaculty foreign languages

Name Graduated from, specialty and qualification Degree and rank
1 Abdykalykova Chynara Kazybekovna    JASU, 2000 Docent
2 Asylbekova Damira  OshSPU, 1979 senior  teacher
3 Asylbekova Chyrashkan Aytmyrzaevna Kyrgyz State Pedagogical University, 1995 Docent, candidate of Philological sciences
4  Bekieva Nurkan Kalmamatovna OshSU, 2010  teacher
5 Darbanov Berkut Ermatovich OshSU,1985 Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor
6 Mamataeva Chynygul Sadyrbekovna JASU, 2004 senior  teacher
7 Mambetkulova Aida Nazirjanovna JASU, 2004 teacher
8 Mambetova Zamira Kydyrmyshevna KSU, 1990 Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent
9 Moldobaeva Baktykan Urusbekovna OshSU,1994  senior  teacher
10 Sadykova Symbat Zarylkanovna KFPI,1990   Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor
11 Turgunbaeva Nuriya Turgunbaevna  OshSPU, 1981 senior teacher
12 Ergasheva Dilafruz Ibrahimovna JASU,2001 senior  teacher
13 Esenova Aichurok Gainazovna OshSU, 1999 senior  teacher
14 Bekieva Aidanek Kalmamatovna OshSU, 2018 laboratory assistant