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  4. Deputy director for training and educational work

Deputy director for training and educational work


778 060 147


October 29, 1986



Last visit:

9 months ago

The main stages of the learning process:

  • Ensuring the implementation of the educational process on the basis of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Organization of training based on competence, development of expected learning outcomes;
  • Ensuring continuity, openness, accessibility of the educational process;
  • Ensuring the quality of conducting classes by the administration of the College of Economics and Law;
  • Expansion of participation in mutual attendance classes;
  • Monitoring at the end of each semester, summarizing the relevant results through it;
  • Creation of conditions for advanced training of teachers, provision of methodological assistance;
  • Survey of students, questioning, conducting SWOT-analysis, identification and analysis.

The organization of the educational process in the College of Economics and Law is carried out on the basis of various legal documents. Currently, the entire educational process is included in the AVN program, and modules and exams are taken through computer testing. Work programs, syllabuses, teaching materials for students are loaded into the AVN program, electronic journal, lesson schedule, tuition fees, etc. can be widely used. Teachers conduct lessons using new learning technologies and try to create a pleasant atmosphere for students.

The purpose of educational work in the College is to create conditions for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of the student, his ability to spiritual, physical, professional self-improvement and self-realization, as well as the personal development of students and their socialization, manifested in the development of their positive attitude towards social values, the acquisition of experience of behavior and application of the formed general competencies of mid-level specialists in practice.

The teaching staff of the College puts the education of an aesthetic culture of communication, the development of a patriotically oriented personality, the development of students' creative activity, the development of cooperation between students and teachers, the development of leisure activities as a special sphere of students' life and the formation of a healthy lifestyle into the basis of their activities.

Tasks of educational work:

  • education of aesthetic culture of communication;
  • development of a patriotically oriented personality;
  • formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • development of creative activity of students;
  • development of cooperation between students and teachers;
  • development of leisure activities as a special sphere of students' life.

Directions of educational work:

  • professional and personal;
  • civil law;
  • patriotic;
  • spiritual and moral;
  • cultural and aesthetic;
  • sports and recreation.