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Department of Russian philology


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           Information about the Department of Russian Philology

On May 14, 1993, by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 163/1, on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic dated April 2, 1993, Resolution of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 197 dated May 10, 1993, Jalal-Abad State University was established. In the same year, the Department of Language Disciplines was established at the Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy of ZHAGU. The department includes Kyrgyz, English and Russian languages. On April 2, 1993, the first head of the Department of Language Disciplines was appointed Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.E. Darbanov.

In November 1993, the Department of Foreign (English) Language separated from the Department of Language Disciplines.

In 1994, the Department of Kyrgyz Language and Literature was established.

In 1994, the Department of Language Disciplines was renamed the Department of Russian Language. Russian Russian Language Department teachers taught Russian as an interdisciplinary subject in all specialties at the university.

Since 1997, the department has been renamed the Department of "Russian Language and Literature". Russian Russian Language and Literature Department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.E. Darbanov. On September 1, 1997, the specialty "Russian language and Literature" was opened and the first group of 25 students in the specialty "Russian language and Literature" was recruited. On September 1, 2005, by the Decision of the Academic Council of the ZHAGU on September 21, 2005, the Faculty of Philology of the peoples of the CIS was established on the basis of the specialty "Russian Philology".

On September 1, 2007, the head of the Department of Russian Philology was appointed senior lecturer of the department A.A. Zhusupova

Since September 10, 2013, the head of the Department of Russian Philology has been appointed Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Kalmurzayeva Aychurok Abdurashidovna.

April 2, 2021, in connection with the appointment of Kalmurzayeva A.A. I.O. as Dean of the Faculty of Philology, acting head of the Department of Russian Philology becomes Ph.D., Acting associate Professor Zhusupova A.A. In October 2021, Zhusupova A.A. is selected for the position of head of the department by.

Since the day of the specialty's formation Russian Philology have been established since the Faculty of the Department and students of the specialty have been actively involved in the social and cultural life of the Faculty and the University, taking prizes in sports competitions, student Olympiads and conferences.

Russian Russian Language and Literature basic educational program (OOP) for the preparation of bachelors has been developed, implemented at ZHAGU in the direction of 550300 Philological education, the profile of training “Russian language and literature” and the competence model of graduates in the direction of 550300 Philological education, the profile of training “Russian language and literature”, which defines the area and objects, characterizes the types and tasks, indicates the results of training in the professional activities of graduates. Also, in connection with the opening of the master's degree for the 2021-2022 academic year in the specialty “Philological education 550300 qualification: master”, the master's OOP and the “Graduate model of the master's degree in Philological education qualification: master" have been developed. The quality of bachelor's and master's degree training in the field of the profile "Russian language and literature" is ensured by the qualification of teaching staff, the use of modern teaching technologies and the control of students' knowledge.

         The teaching staff of the department Currently, the department employs 3 doctors of sciences, 5 candidates of Sciences, 4 senior teachers, 1 teacher. The scientific potential of the department of full-time teachers is 55.5%. Faculty of the department.

          Surname, name of teachers               Work position
1  Zhusupova Aida Abdullazhanovna  Candidate of philology, associate   professor
2 Kalmurzaeva Aichurok Abdirashidovna  Candidate of philology, associate   professor
3 Aiylchieva Dilara Tursunalievna  Candidate of philology, associate   professor
4 Alymkulov Almazbek Abylkasymovich  Candidate of philology, associate   professor
5 Zhamasheva Nurilia Sultanbekovna  senior teacher
6 Suleimanova Tamara Akmatovna  Senior teacher
7 Sultanbaeva Dinara Tolegenovna   Senior teacher
8 Alimamatova Dinara Avazona   Senior teacher
9 Toichueva Venera Murzaevna  Teacher
10 Tolubaeva Molmol Orozbekovna  Laborant
10 Zulpukarov Kapar Zulpukarovich  Doctor of philology, professor
11 Mirzakhidova Miyasar Inamzhanovna      Doctor of philology, professor
12 Darbanov Berkut Ermatovich  Doctor of philology, professor
13 Kalybekova Ziyada Sadykovna  Candidate of philology, associate   professor

Achievements of the department

The teaching staff of the department has published more than 50 educational and methodological works and about 200 scientific articles, more than 10 textbooks.

For merits and achievements in educational activities, teachers of the Department of Russian Philology were awarded state awards:

10 teachers were awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. Among the teaching staff of the department, 9 teachers were awarded the title of Excellent Student of public Education of the Kyrgyz Republic.

11 teachers of the department were awarded certificates of honor by the Mayor's Office of Jalal-Abad.

The diploma of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Jalal-Abad region was awarded to 2 teachers.

The winners of the contests

1. For the 2017-2018 academic year, teachers of the department, Ph.D., acting associate professor Z.S. Kalybekova and teacher D.T. Sultanbayeva were awarded a diploma of the I degree for the co-authored UMK in the Russian language at the ZHAGU competition "The best UMK".

2. In the same academic year, Ph.D., Acting assoc. Kalybekova Z.S., teacher Sultanbayeva D.T. participated in the ZHAGU competition "The best student circle" and were awarded a diploma of the II degree for the best organizational work of the student circle "Istok".

3. In 2018, on September 9, at the 31st Moscow International Book Fair, with the assistance of Russia's largest international book forum, among 300 Russian and foreign publishers from more than 30 countries who presented the best examples of educational, scientific and fiction literature, a collective scientific monograph entitled "Invariance in the pronominal and proverbial paradigms professors, Doctors of Philology Kapar Zulpukarov, Doctor of Philology Atakulova Meerim Abdukerimovna, associate professors of the Department of Russian Philology ZHAGA Kalmurzayeva Aychurok Abdurashidovna, Zhusupova Aida Abdullazhanovna and Ayylchieva Dilara Tursunalievna were awarded:

the "Gold" medal of the 31st Moscow International Book Fair of the Academy of Natural Sciences;

- diploma of the participant of the 31st Moscow International Book Fair of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Moscow, September 5-9, 2018;

- the monograph was included in the catalog of the RAE exposition at the 31st Moscow International Book Fair, (Moscow, September 5-9, 2018).

- The European largest exhibition center Fira Barcelona Grand Via, held in Barcelona in Spain from 3 to 5 October 2018.

The international book exhibition "LIBER BARCELONA 2018" presents a collective monograph "Invariance in the pronominal and proverbial paradigms of language" by the authors - Professor, Doctor of Philology Kapar Zulpukarov, Doctor of Philology Atakulova Meerim Abdukerimovna, associate professors of the Department of Russian Philology ZHAGA Kalmurzayeva Aychurok Abdurashidovna, Zhusupova Aida Abdullazhanovna, Ayylchieva Dilara Tursunalievna awarded:

- Gold medal "LIBER BARCELONA 2018";

- A certificate of participation in "LIBER BARCELONA 2018";

- Included in the 42-volume catalog of the exhibition "LIBER BARCELONA 2018".

The monograph "Invariance in the pronominal and proverbial paradigms of language", authors - Professor, Doctor of Philology Zulpukarov Kapar Zulpukarovich, Doctor of Philology Atakulova Meerim Abdukerimovna, associate professors of the Department of Russian Philology ZHAGU Kalmurzayeva Aychurok Abdurashidovna, Zhusupova Aida Abdullazhanovna, Ayylchieva Dilara Tursunalievna is presented at the stand of the Academy of Natural Sciences at the exhibition BOOKEXPO AMERIKA 2019, (in USA, New York, May 29-31, 2019) and was awarded the "Gold Medal" of the BOOKEXPO AMERIKA 2019 exhibition by the Academy of Natural Sciences.

- The monograph was awarded the "Gold Medal" of the BOOKEXPO AMERIKA 2019 exhibition and the certificate of the participant of the BOOKEXPO AMERIKA 2019 exhibition.

Participation in the competition "The best projects for the dissemination and popularization of the Russian language of culture"

The International Scientific Congress began on November 1 at the Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language. The awards ceremony for the winners of the competition for the best projects in the field of Russian language support in the CIS was held within the framework of the congress. Russians Russian Philology Department's Nekrasov Week project was recognized as one of the best projects aimed at popularizing the Russian language and culture.

The purpose of the congress is to comprehensively discuss the issues of the position, functioning and status of the Russian language as a global language of science and education, the language of interethnic communication in the information and digital space of the CIS countries.

The competition and the upcoming congress were organized as part of the International Scientific Congress project "The Russian language in the CIS countries: situation, functioning, communication". The Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in partnership with the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University and the Russian-Armenian University.

The organizers of the congress, in order to award the winners of the competition, conducted a tour of the historical and literary places of Moscow and finally made a wonderful gift to the contestants - visits to the opera "Prince Igor".

Participation of faculty of the department in scientific and practical conferences, forums and congresses abroad.

In March 2016, in the city of Khojent in Tajikistan, acting Associate Professor Kalmurzayeva A.A. and Doctor of Philology, Professor Mirzakhidova M.I. made scientific reports at a conference on the problems of the Russian language

. From December 2 to December 7, 2018, teachers of the department acting associate professor. Zhusupova A.A. and senior lecturer Zhamasheva N.S. took part in the 6th International Pedagogical Forum in Sochi. The forum brought together teachers from more than 63 countries of the world.

At the congress on the problems of bilingualism in Minsk in Belarus in 2019, on December 3, the acting associate professor of the department A.A. Zhusupova participated with a report.

In November 2021, at the International Congress on the Problem of the Russian language in the CIS countries and Abroad, which was held in Kazakhstan, the acting associate professor of the department Kalmurzayeva A.A. made a scientific report. The faculty of the department actively participated in international online conferences, congresses, pedagogical forums during quarantine due to the pandemic.

Working in close cooperation with KFU (Kazan Volga Federal University), the teachers of the department are acting assoc. Ayylchieva D.T., acting assoc. Zhusupova A.A. and senior lecturer Zhamasheva N.S. passed two-month advanced training courses and received certificates for the right to conduct courses on teaching the Russian language.

Cooperation of the department with other universities of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Department of Russian Philology supports and establishes scientific cooperation with many universities of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan - OSH State University, KNU named after J.Balasagyn, BSU named after K.Karasaev, KRSU, KSU named after I.Arabaev, OshTU named after M. Adyshev, KUU, Academy of Law, Business and Education, BatSU; universities of the Russian Federation - Altai State University, Russian State University for the Humanities, Tyumen State University, Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language in Moscow, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Tomsk State University; universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Andijan State University, Ferghana State University, Namangan State University; N.Gumilev Eurasian National University in Astana, Pavlodar State University S. Toraighyrov University.

Russian Russian Philology Department is actively working with Rossotrudnichestvo in the city of Osh and the Russian Diaspora in the city of Jalal-Abad under the leadership of V.V. Malyuzhenko. Our partners are regular guests of the department in all scientific and social events. Representatives of Rossotrudnichestvo, headed by A.F. Zulkharneev, award certificates and diplomas to active students and teachers.

Employment of graduates in the field of 550300 Philological education, profile “Russian language and literature”

In order to employ graduates of the profile "Russian language and Literature", faculty of the department and students annually participate in job fairs. At job fairs, employers announce vacancies in the relevant specialty, and meetings with employers are organized to get a job after completing their studies and obtaining higher education diplomas.

University students practice in secondary schools, grammar schools, lyceums of the city and the region. After graduation, many graduates receive an invitation from the schools where they practiced.

Direct communication with employers has been established. Employers are actively involved in the development and discussion of the baccalaureate and Master's OOP, CMS ZHAGU.

Classrooms, computer classes and educational equipment of the Department of Russian Philology

Russian Russian Philology Department has 3 classrooms at the Faculty of Philology of the B.Osmonov ZHAGU, where classes are held for students studying in the direction 550300 Philological education, profile “Russian language and Literature".

Each auditorium is decorated with educational stands in the core disciplines. Teaching staff of the department conduct classes in classrooms equipped with technical equipment (projector, computer, interactive whiteboard).

The main directions of philology in the scientific activity of the department:

1. Current problems of the modern Russian language;

2. Turkology and language history;

3. Cognitive linguistics.

Scientific research activities

The research of the Faculty of the Department of Russian Philology is conducted according to the compiled and approved work plan.

The teaching staff of the department annually takes an active part in the research work of the ZHAGU, and also make presentations at national, interregional and scientific-practical conferences. Scientific articles are published annually in the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad.

Under the guidance of the faculty, students of the profile “Russian language and literature” take part in the research work of ZHAGU and universities of the Kyrgyz Republic. Student scientific and practical conferences and scientific seminars are held annually at the B.Osmonov ZHAGU. Students actively participate in conferences and take prizes. Students' articles are published in the journal of ZHAGU "Ilim zhana student" ("Science and Student").

From November 22 to 26, 2021, the faculty of the department held a set of events dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov "Nekrasov Week":

on November 22, a drawing and illustration competition based on the works of N.A. Nekrasov was held, all interested students of ZHAGU took part.

On November 23rd, the faculty of the department held a competition of readers for the best reading of N.A. Nekrasov's poems.

On November 24, a testing contest was held on the topic: "Do I know the works of N.A. Nekrasov", where students performed test tasks on knowledge of the poet's lyrics.

On November 25, the international scientific and practical student conference "Spiritual foundations of Russian literature of the 19th century" was held. The conference was attended by guests from AnGU (Uzbekistan), Belgorod State University (Russia).

Educational and methodological work of the department

The teaching staff of the department has compiled syllabuses, lecture courses and educational and methodological complexes in all special disciplines for students of the profile “Russian language and literature”.

Scientific and methodological seminars are held monthly, and every six months the Faculty of the Department, together with students, organizes literary evenings. Open classes are conducted according to the prepared schedule of the educational process of the department.

The clubs "Istok" and "Philologist" are actively working.

The teaching staff of the department has published over 200 articles, and published more than 11 textbooks.

Social and cultural activities of the department

Teaching staff and students of the department take an active part in all public events of the faculty, university and the city.

With great responsibility, our students take part in all clean-up activities of the city and the university.

Every year, teachers and students of the department, on their own initiative, engage in charity work and visit the children's neuropsychiatric center in Jalal-Abad on June 1 on the “Children's Day". Necessary textbooks and stationery for school are purchased for children, as well as a congratulatory concert program is being prepared by the student body. On October 1st, on the “Day of the Elderly”, the student and teaching staff with a charitable mission visit a nursing home. The team gives the elderly a concert program and treats for the holiday.

During the pandemic, during quarantine in June 2020, on the initiative of the teaching staff of the department, a lunch was organized for medical workers in the “Red Zone" of the Jalal-Abad City Hospital. Thus, the team helped the doctors in a difficult time.

For each holiday, students of the profile "Russian language and Literature" issue greeting banners. They take an active part in the New Year's rector's ball, with a concert program they perform in front of children at the New Year's Tree for kids in ZHAGA.

The faculty and students of the department have a close cultural connection with the Russian Diaspora in Jalal-Abad. Together with the head of Rossotrudnichestvo, A.F. Zulkarneev, they participated in the action "Fire of Memory", initiated by the public movement "People's Front".

Russian Russian Philology faculty and students of the Department of Russian Philology traditionally organize the "Maslenitsa" holiday every year in order to introduce students to folk traditions and increase interest in the history of Russian folk holidays.

On June 5, an exhibition ceremony, the transfer of books and the signing of contracts took place at the base of Jalal-Abad State University named after B. Osmonov. The Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad donated books to the B.Osmonov ZHAG. The guests from Russia, Rossotrudnichestvo and the Russian House in Osh were welcomed by the rector of ZHAGU, Professor Keneshbek Zhumabekovich Usenov. He expressed great hope for long-term constructive cooperation and partnership. Dmitry Nikolaevich Avram, head of the department of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Kyrgyz Republic (Osh)–Russian House in Osh, Elena Viktorovna Krivova, Candidate of Philology, Head of the Department of International and Interregional Cooperation, noted the fruitful cooperation of the Solzhenitsyn Foundation with many universities around the world and expressed hope for constructive partnership in the future. Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language and Literature Petrivnei Elena Kapitonovna gave a lecture on the topic: "Cognitive understanding of a literary text on the example of the analysis of A.S. Pushkin's poem "I loved you ...".

June 6-7, 2024, headed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation,

Russian Russian Language Institute named after A.O.Orusbayev of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after the first President of the Russian Federation B.N.Yeltsin held a poetic teleconference "Reading A.S.Pushkin in Russian and native languages" dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the great classic, as well as the work of the National Association of Russian Scholars of Kyrgyzstan (Society Kyrgyz teachers of Russian language and literature).

 A meeting of members of the National Association of Russian Scholars of Kyrgyzstan - the Board of the Society of Kyrgyz Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (OKPRYAL) was held.

For active participation in the Society of Kyrgyz teachers of Russian language and Literature (OKPRYAL), Ph.D., Assoc. Kalmurzayeva A.A. was awarded a letter of thanks.