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Department of english language and literature


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Information about the Department of “English Language and Literature”

The Department of "Foreign Languages" was founded in 1993, as part of the faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy of JASU, where worked 6 teachers. First 50 students were accepted on a budget basis. Candidate of philology, docent Aziz Zhumashev was appointed as a head of the Department of “Foreign Languages”.

Two departments were formed on the basis of the Department of "Foreign Languages" in 1998: "Methods of teaching English" department, the head of the department was appointed L.S.Kochkorbaeva, and "Phonetics and vocabulary of the English language"  department, the head of the department was appointed B.N.Kurmanakunov.

On the basis of the decision 163 "A" of the Academic Council of JASU, the Department of "Grammar of the English Language" was established in 2001, candidate of philological sciences A.Zh.Shamurzaev was appointed head of the department.

 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor A.O. Kalmuratova was appointed head of the Department of English Grammar in 2006.

Due to structural changes, three departments were united into the Department of “English Language and Literature” in 2011, the head of the department was appointed candidate of philological sciences, associate professor A.O. Kalmuratova.

At present 17 teachers work at the department: 2 doctors of philology, professors, 5 candidates of philology, associate professors; 4 senior teachers and 6 teachers.

Teachers of the department not only teach, but also participate in various projects and have visited abroad such as:  G.Orozbayeva, A.Zhunusbayeva have visited Hungary, Kurmanakunov B. was in the USA.

Kalmuratova A.O. in 2009, Orozbayeva G.A. in 2011 defended their candidate dissertation and teachers Zhumabekova N.A., Zhoroeva G.A., Kerimberdieva A.D., Arslanbekova N.E.  Toromamatova M.M., Mambetaleva A.B. graduated masters’ program  and are preparing to defend research papers. The department conducts research work with students. At present the following  circles work at the department: "Bridge" and "I-Science“ - innovative science research laboratory under the leadership of A.O. Kalmuratova and "English Drama Club" under the leadership of N.A. Zhumabekova.

Educational activity of the department

The Department of “English Language and Literature” provides bachelor's degree in the direction of 550300 Philological education, Profile: Foreign (English) language.

The basic educational program (BEP) in the direction 550300 Philological education Profile has been formed: Foreign (English) language. The main educational program of bachelor's degree and the main educational program of master's degree contains all fields of activity of students and graduates of this profile. The competence model of graduates of bachelor's degree and the competence model of graduates of master's degree in the direction 550300 Philological education, Profile: Foreign (English) language. It contains the following parts: the definitions and concepts of the graduate competence model, the foundations and structure of the graduate competence model, the task of activity, the characteristics of professional activity, the formed competencies of graduates.

The teaching staff of the department uses innovative methods and interactive teaching technologies when teaching students. Teachers of the department regularly take part training courses, all teachers of the department have participated in various seminars and conferences and got certificates.

The staff of the department is constantly working to improve the scientific and pedagogical level and make presentations at republic, international and regional scientific conferences.

The scientific potential of the teaching staff of the department is 41%, teachers are engaged in research activities.

Students study modern methods of teaching English and use them during practice. Students in the language lab develop their speech, hearing and pronunciation, as well as increase interest in lessons.

The department cooperates with such universities of Kyrgyzstan as Osh State University, OshTU, K.Toktomamatov International University, Moscow State University, Modern Internatiol University, the USA Peace Corps and other universities.

The professor, doctor of philological science A. Eshiev has published the following articles abroad: Ethnonym mangul (mangul) in the epic "Manas" Eurasian Scientific Association, No. 7 (65), July, 2020. pp.335-338. RSCI IF: 0,135, Ancient Turkic ethnonyms in epic works, Eurasian Scientific Association, No. 7 (65), July, 2020. pp. 338-340. RSCI IF: 0,135, Elements of artistic language in the poem "The Word about Igor's regiment" and the epic "Manas", Trends in the development of science and education, August, 2020. No. 64, Part 5. pp. 81-84. Samara. RSCI IF: 0.072, Elder Khan Koshoy and the Katagan tribe in the epic "Manas", Trends in the development of science and education, August, 2020. No. 64, Part 5. pp. 84-87. Samara. RSCI IF: 0,072 Scythian tribal units (historical and epic information: parallels, analogies), Eurasian Scientific Association, No.8 (66), August, 2020. pp. 286-288. RSCI IF: 0,135, Teachers of the Department of “English Language and Literature” have published 5 monographs, 30 teaching materials, more than 15  textbooks, 10 lecture courses and more than 100 scientific articles.          

                 Awards of teachers of the Department of "English language and Literature"

1. Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic-10

2. Excellent teacher of education KR- 8

3. Certificate of Honor of the governor of the region -2

4. Certificate of Honor of the mayor- 4

5. JASU Certificate of Honor -15

6. Faculty Certificate of Honor of the faculty-16

7. Medal of JASU-3

Information about the staff of the department of "English Language and Literature"#      

#         Surname, name of teachers             Work position
1 Altynbayev Nurlan Kurbanbekovich Candidate of philology, associate professor
2 Arslanbekova Nasykat Erkinbayevna Candidate of philology, associate professor
3 Darbanov Berkut Ermatovich Doctor of philology, professor
4 Zhoroeva Gulbara Anarbaevna Senior teacher
5 Zhumabekova Nasiba Akimzhanovna  Senior teacher
6 Zholdoshbaeva Ykybal Kaparovna Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
7 Zholdosheva Zaripa Toktorovna Teacher
8 Kalmuratova Aisha Orozbaevna Head of the department, candidate of philology, associate professor.
9 Kerimberdieva Aisalkyn Duishoevna Teacher
10 Mambetalieva Aigul Bozhuyevna Teacher
11 Murzaliev Manas Akmatbekovich Teacher
12 Nyshanbai kyzy Baiyma Teacher
13 Orozbayeva Gulbarchyn Abdimazhitovna Candidate of philology, associate professor
14 Shamurzaev Ababakir Zholborsovich Candidate of philology, associate professor
15 Tashieva Nurzhamal Abdillaevna Teacher
16 Toromamatova Mirgul Myktarbekovna Senior teacher
17 Eshiev Asylbek Murzatillayevich Doctor of philology, professor
18 Atabek kyzy Tannura laborant

The department opened a master's degree in the direction of 550300 Philological education, a master's program “Foreign (English) language in 2024-2025 academic year. The graduate degree is a master's degree, the term of study is 2 years.

The Department of English Language and Literature prepares bachelors and masters. At present 259 bachelors and 31 masters study at our department. We have students from Turkey, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. They study English with interest and actively participate in classes. These students take part in public affairs of the university, faculty, department and they won prizes at sports and cultural competitions.

The teachers of the department take part in all public affairs of the JASU, Jalal-Abad City and the regional administration of the Jalal-Abad.

Academic Work of DEPARTMENT

The educational process at the Department of English Language and Literature is carried out on the basis of the state educational standard and is aimed at educating a well-educated and qualified bachelors and masters. Basic educational program of higher professional education functions on the basis of the received licenses for training programs. Training is carried out in the direction  of 550300 Philological education, profile: Foreign (English) language. The standard term for training bachelor's degree in the direction of 550300 Philological education, profile: Foreign (English) language is 4 years.

The department opened a master's degree program on the direction 550300 Philological education, a master's program “Foreign (English) language in 2024-2025 academic year. The graduate’s academic degree is a master's degree, the term of study is 2 years.

Educational and methodological work

Active methodological work is carried out at the department. Methodological seminars are held monthly at the department, where the most actual problems of educational program are considered. Teachers make presentations, give demonstration lessons, demonstrate new technologies, introduce with new literature, etc. Training seminars, guest lectures, meetings with KGTESOL trainers on the topics of media skills in English language teaching, the use of innovative technologies in English language teaching are held annually.

Teachers of the department work out textbooks and dictionaries. Educational and methodological complexes, syllabuses of each discipline in the departments are put in separate folders and are systematically updated.  Textbooks and syllabuses are worked out for almost all disciplines and are posted on the AVN portal.

Research work

The scientific activity of the department functions in two directions: research work of teachers and research work with students. Every year, the results of the scientific work of our teaching staff, graduate students, are published in the journals included in the RSCI, Web Science and Scopus, and the scientific work of undergraduates and students in special collections of the works of young scientists.

The research work of students is an important direction of the organization of scientific activity at the university.. The teaching staff of the department directs the scientific work of students in the form of: consultations on scientific topics; guidance in the preparation of scientific articles; organization of scientific conferences.

Upbringing activities

The educational work of the department is conducted in accordance with the approved plan of educational work. Educational work  is carried out by group masters regularly. Group masters conduct educational lessons, debates, various events dedicated to anniversaries, significant dates, as well as anniversaries of famous personalities, where students are instilled feelings of patriotism, skills of analytical independent thinking, and evaluation of the modern world with a focus on national and universal values. Teachers and students of the department actively participate in sports events held at the university, on cleaning days of city and university. The prizes won by students at various competitions, held at the  university and  city, testifies to the creative work of group masters and students.

Advanced training of teachers of the department

In order to enrich the methodological skills and experience exchange teachers travel to universities in India, Malaysia, USA, Austria, etc.

Teachers of the department actively participate in international, republican scientific and practical conferences, university seminars and they are in constant creative search.

The use of innovative educational and methodological resources, methods, forms and technologies, in order to improve the quality of education

Teachers of the department use interactive methods of teaching foreign languages to solve educational  tasks, such as critical thinking strategies, communicative teaching methods, interactive forms such as: round table, brainstorming, debates, business and role-playing games, etc. Teachers educate students their subjects at the proper pedagogical level, which arouses students' interest in the subject. There are all conditions for the preparation of students. They also conduct demo lectures and demo practical classes according to the approved schedule of the department for the academic year, a protocol is written at the departments with a detailed analysis of the open lectures and open practical classes of teachers.

                                                    Teaching  Practice

Students of our department in order to gain practical experience, they undergo three practices during the course.  Students practice according to the schedule of the educational process. The department carries out adaptation practice according to the profile program “Foreign (English) language”  adaptive-pedagogical practice which is conducted in the 2nd year, basic-professional in the 3rd  year and professional – profile practice in the 4th  year, which are necessarily included in the schedule of the educational process and taken into account when drawing up lesson schedules. For the passage of pedagogical practice, an agreement on cooperation and the provision of opportunities for students of the department to undergo all types of practical training in the schools of the city was signed between JASU and departments of education of Jalal-Abad city and Suzak region. According to the results of practical training, conferences are held at the department, where students express their opinions about the practice. According to the approved curriculum, masters intern managerial and scientific-pedagogical practice.

Academic mobility

Academic mobility in our department is carried out in two main directions: training of students in Kyrgyzstan  universities and training in foreign universities. Mobility programs are implemented within the framework of agreements between partner universities. Studying under academic mobility programs allows our students and undergraduates to improve their level of foreign language proficiency, deepen theoretical knowledge and practical skills, get to know the country better, learn another culture, make friends from different cities, countries, continents.

The mobility of the teaching staff is one of the important directions of the international and educational activities of the department in order to enrich knowledge, implement joint research and training programs, participate in internships at foreign universities, join the cultural communities of other countries, etc.

Career guidance work in schools

As part of the improvement of the forms of work with potential students, teachers of the department conduct career guidance work in schools, including career guidance conversations with 11th grade students.

Information about the staff of the department