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  4. Department of Physical Culture and Sports

Department of Physical Culture and Sports


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Brief history of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

The Department of Physical Education and Sports was organized on the basis of the order of the rector of ZhASU named after B. Osmonov on August 26, 1993. The first head of the department was appointed candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor T.M. Moidunov. Under the leadership of T.M. Moidun's department was staffed with relevant specialists, and a material and technical base that met the requirements was created for the full implementation of the educational process.

In connection with the opening of the specialty of physical education and sports on August 26, 2000, by the decision of the academic council of ZhASU and on the basis of the order No. 4/12 of the rector, the department was divided into two departments and as a result, the department of “Physical education and sports” and the department of “Physical education” were formed. . When opening a new department in the specialty of physical education, T.M. Moidunov made a great contribution to the development of the department. There have been great successes in training future specialists in physical education and sports.

In 2015, due to deteriorating health and after severe heart surgery, T.M. Moidunov, at his personal request, resigned from his position.

In the same 2015, by order of the rector of ZHASU named after. B. Osmonov, the head of the department of “Physical Education and Sports” became candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Dooranov Uzgenbay Saparovich.

U.S. Dooranov, starting from the first days, actively began to work to improve the educational process and the material and technical base of the department. Under his leadership, students' training and sports results began to change qualitatively. Leading athletes of the department became champions of the world, Asia and the Kyrgyz Republic.

In 2021, due to the deterioration of health and the subsequent death of Dooronov Uzgen Saparovich. By order of the rector of ZHAGU named after. B. Osmonova No. 360/1 dated October 25, 2021, associate professor, master of sports of the Kyrgyz Republic, was appointed acting head of the department. Excellent student of Physical Culture and Sports Aliev Ilyas Tynybekovich.

The department employs 12 specialists, including 1 candidate of pedagogical sciences, 1 acting professor, 3 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, 3 lecturers, 1 part-time teacher, 1 specialist, 1 laboratory assistant. In addition, the department employs 2 Masters of Sports of the Kyrgyz Republic. 1 - Honored coach of the Kyrgyz Republic Salaev Altynbek Zhunusalyevich, who trained such eminent athletes of World and Asian Champions as Kaly Sulaymanov. Esen Asanov. Maksatbekov Syrgak. Dordokov Balbai. Sulaimanov Akyl. Erbol Bakirov, etc.

The teachers prepared and published more than 200 articles, 25 teaching aids, and 4 textbooks.

Education activities:

Currently, the Department of Physical Education and Sports trains specialists in full-time and part-time forms of education, pedagogical profile, in the direction of 532000 physical education and sports. The above goals, expected results, content, conditions and technologies for implementing the educational process, assessment of the quality of graduate training in this area, all this is included in the Main educational program. The content and process of implementing the educational program, meaning the consistent formation of the required list of competencies in students, determines the graduate model, which is a framework characteristic of the abilities of a graduate of higher professional education in the direction of 532000 physical culture and sports;

In 1993, the department opened the specialty “Physical Education”, and in 2007 the specialty “Pre-conscription training”.

Types of professional activities of graduates:

Bachelor in the direction 532000 “Physical Culture and Sports” was prepared by:

- teaching activities in all types of educational institutions, in sports organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership;

- coaching activities in sports schools, clubs and other organizations of various forms of ownership;

- to organizational and managerial activities, conducting private business in organizations of any form of ownership in the field of physical education and sports;

- to research activities in the field of physical culture and sports;

- to fulfill recreational and rehabilitation tasks by means of physical culture in physical culture and sports, sports and entertainment, tourism, medical, rehabilitation and preventive institutions of any form of ownership;

- cultural and educational activities in the field of physical culture and sports.

Specific types of professional activities for which a bachelor is mainly prepared are determined by the higher education institution together with the student, scientific and pedagogical workers and employers' associations.

The department ensures the progress of the educational process:

-theory and methods of physical education;

-natural scientific foundations of physical education and sports;

-theory and methodology of the chosen sport;

-Management of physical education of sports;

-theory and methodology of volleyball/basketball;

-theory and methodology of athletics;

-sports metrology;

-theory and methodology of national sports;

-the theory and methodology of gymnastics, to put it differently, covers all the noted areas within itself.

Centers, offices, laboratories:

The department has 1 educational and 1 educational and scientific classroom. Since the formation of the department, training sessions in several sports have been conducted to this day.

Study rooms:

-office on the theory and methods of physical culture and sports;

-cabinet of human anatomy and physiology;

-room on the theory and methodology of national sports;

Teaching staff:

Educational and methodological work:

At the department, the teaching staff has prepared educational books, teaching aids, educational and methodological and visual aids in assigned disciplines (subjects). 13 educational books, 50 teaching aids and syllabuses on 10 subjects were published.

Scientific research work (SRW)

Direction of scientific research of the department

- Physical Culture and sport

Student research work (SRW)

At the department, under the guidance of the teaching staff, students' research work is prepared, as well as scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables are held among students, starting from the first year, and for this, appropriate conditions have been created to improve their abilities.

Events prepared and conducted at the initiative of students:

Students in the field of physical education annually organize and actively participate in large numbers in events to help the elderly, children, and people with disabilities.

Published scientific articles:

FULL NAME. author Article title Source, year, number, page of the published article
1 Aliev I.T., Tilenchiev Yu.R. The role of physical education in the context of patriotic education. XVI International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "USATU". Ufa 2022
2 Aliev I. T, Salaev A. Zh. A study of the motivation of students of Jalal-Abad State University named after B. Osmonov to engage in physical education and sports. XVI International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "USATU". Ufa 2022
3 Aliev I.T., Abdurakhimov N.Kh. The role and significance of physical education lessons in the life of a modern student Bulletin of Jalal-Abad State University 2022
4 Aliev I.T., Tilenchiev Yu.R.. Philosophy of physical culture and sports Current problems of physical culture, sports and tourism of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "USATU". Ufa 2020
5 Aliev I. T, Salaev A. Zh. Mastering the course “Kyrgyz folk outdoor games and sports” for future physical education and sports teachers Current problems of physical culture, sports and tourism of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "USATU". Ufa 2020

International communications:

- Kazakh State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports;

- Kyrgyz State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports;

- Kyrgyz Technical University;

- Slavic University;

- Kyrgyz National University;

- Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev;

- Bishkek Humanitarian University;

- Osh State University;

- Osh Pedagogical Institute;

- Batken State University;

- Naryn State University;

-Tala State University;

- Issyk-Kul State University;

Students studying in the direction of 532000 physical education and sports, in order to exchange experience, comply with the drawn up agreement. And also, as part of academic mobility, they have the right to gain knowledge at any university in Kyrgyzstan within half a year and return to their home university.