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Department of History

Gulnora Abdumanopovna

Head of the Department of History Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


559 632 204



Last visit:

7 months ago

The Department of History is a structural, educational, methodical and scientific subdivision of Jalal-Abad State University named after B.Osmonov, carrying out educational, educational, methodological, research activities, extracurricular work among students.

From the history of the Department of History

In 1996, the Department of General History was established. Since April 1996, the department has been headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor K. Aidarkulov. The department was staffed with appropriate specialists, and a material and technical base meeting the requirements was created for the full implementation of the educational process. In connection with the restructuring of the department, the History of the Motherland was divided from the department. (28. 01. 2005, No. 14).

The head of the department is appointed Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor E.Suleymanov. Since 2011, due to the restructuring at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, the department became known as History (address on the opening of the department No. 87 dated 12. 03. 2011.)

Since March 2011, the department has been headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor S.A.Smadiyarov.

By order of the Rector of JASU (Order No. 1/169 of 1.09.2011), Candidate of Historical Sciences E.A.Avazov is appointed to this position, who in 2016 was elected to this position on a competitive basis. The Department of History has been implementing the program of higher professional education 550400 Socio-economic Education since 2012.

By order of the Rector of JASU (Order No. 349/ 1 dated 08/19/2022), Candidate of Historical Sciences G.A.Anarbayeva was appointed to this position. The Department of History has been implementing the program of higher professional education 550400 Socio-economic education since 2012. profile History.

Educational activities:

Currently, the Department of History provides training in the direction of 550400 Socio-economic education (bachelors), training profile: History.

On the basis of the STATE HPE (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic On approval of State educational standards of Higher Professional Education” No. 1578/1 dated September 21, 2021) and taking into account the needs of the labor market and other interested parties, a Basic educational Program (PLO) in the direction of 550400 Socio-economic education has been developed, which has clearly defined educational goals and clearly the indicated expected learning outcomes and the graduate competence model (CMS). 

The department provides teaching of the following disciplines:

1. History of Kyrgyzstan

2. History of Kyrgyzstan (ancient and medieval periods)

3. History of primitive society

4. Introduction to history

5. World History: (History of the Ancient World, History of the Middle Ages)

6. Fundamentals of state and law

7. Rhetoric

8. Ethnology and social anthropology

9. Methodology for teaching scientific research

10. Historiography of the history of Kyrgyzstan

11. Source study of the history of Kyrgyzstan

12. Man and society

13. History of international relations

14. History of Kyrgyzstan in modern times

15. History of Kyrgyzstan in new times

16. History of modern times in Western countries

17. History of modern times in the countries of the East

18. History of new times in Western countries

19. History of new times in the countries of the East

20. History of Central Asia

21. Numismatics and chronology

22. Special course on the History of Kyrgyzstan

23. Methods of teaching socio-economic education

24. Archival studies, museology

25. Archeology

26. History of Russia

27. Religious studies

28. History of the Turkic peoples

29. History of Kyrgyz statehood

30. Demographics

31. Religion in the socio-political life of Kyrgyzstan.

Teaching staff of the department:

Currently, to carry out special training in this area, the department has the necessary number of teachers with the appropriate basic education and academic degrees. The teaching staff of the department is11people, he quality indicator is 55.5%. Among them – 5 candidates of sciences, professors -2, (associate professors -4,), senior teachers -2, teachers -2, assistant teacher -1, laboratory assistant-1 (No. 574/1 of 01.01.2023) and museum employee-1 (No. 21/1 of 23.01.2023).

Excellent students of education KR - 7. The composition and qualifications of teachers meet the requirements of the educational process to achieve learning outcomes.

The teaching staff of the department

Portfolio of the faculty of the department

Academic work of the department

The educational program of the direction 550 400 - Socio-economical education is a new modern direction associated with the constant development of integration in the field of teaching humanities and socio-economic disciplines. BEP training is carried out by full-time and part-time forms of study with the assignment of bachelor's degree. The total number of students in the direction is 90 students. The number of full-time students enrolled in the final year is 18 students, 18 students by correspondence. Along with this, the department provides training in the History of Kyrgyzstan discipline in other faculties of the university.

Types of professional activity of graduates: pedagogical, organizational and managerial and professional development.

Licenses for the right to introduce educational activities in the field of higher professional education, series LD170000045, registration No. 17/0075 issued on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 165/1 dated 10.02.2017. License expiration date: indefinite.

The mission, strategic goals and objectives of the educational program are reflected in the development strategy of the Department of History for 2017-2020, which corresponds to the development strategy of the faculty and the university. In order to improve the quality of knowledge at the university, the organization of the educational process and management are fully automated. Students can learn information about the educational process through the AVN system. Each student is given a login and password to communicate with the necessary structures. The schedule of lessons, workshops, seminars, current and final works, syllabuses, electronic lectures, topics of term papers and theses and general information about the educational process is available on a specific website. The schedule of lessons, workshops, seminars, current and final works, syllabuses, electronic lectures, topics of term papers and theses and general information about the educational process is available on the website of JASU.

The necessary conditions have been created for students to undergo adaptation-pedagogical,vocational-basic, museum-archival and professional-profile practices, which are also conducted on a contractual basis in the relevant institutions of the city and region.

(Members of the department and students of the conference, round tables and seminars)

Basic teaching aids for teaching staff of the department:

Every year, the department carries out work to update programs and educational and methodological complexes in accordance with new achievements of domestic and foreign science. Teaching aids have been prepared for a number of disciplines and are actively used in classes.

1. Sulaimanov E. History of Kyrgyzstan. Instruction manual for non-history majors, test exam questions. In Kyrgyz-Russian languages. Jalal-Abad, 2013.

2. Sulaimanov E., Berdykhodzhaev K., Uraimov B., Eshkozhoev T. History of Russia. 1st k. Study-methodological manual, test exam questions for students studying history. Jalal-Abad, 2013.

3. Sulaimanov E., Berdykhodzhaev K., Uraimov B., Eshkozhoev T. History of Russia. 2nd k. Study-methodological manual, test exam questions for students studying history. Jalal-Abad, 2013.

4. Sulaimanov E. History major (tutorial guide for graduates. - Jalal-Abad, 2012.

5. Khalmatov K., Avazov E. History of the Motherland, study guide for university teachers and students - Jalal-Abad, 2014.

6. Sulaimanov E., Sulaimanova E., Avazov E., Halmatov K. History of the Motherland (Kyrgyzstan) (study guide for non-history majors, test questions). - Jalal-Abad, 2016.

7. Halmatov K.A., Avazov E.A. Museum-archival practice. SMG.; Adaptation-pedagogical practice SMG.; Vocational-basic practice SMG.; Professional-profile practice SMG.; Jalal-Abad- 2017.

8. Sulaimanov E.J., Chynikeeva G.E. History of Russia. Course of lectures for history students. - Jalal-Abad, 2021..

9. Sulaimanov E.J., Moldomusaeva A., Sopukulova A. Kyrgyzstan: History and Geography, (in Russian, English) Kyrgyzstan: History and Geography. (learning method manual for higher education institutions and foreign students, test questions. - Jalal-Abad, 2022.

10. Sulaimanov E.J., Moldomusaeva A., Anarbekova, V. Kyrgyzstan: history and geography. (tutorial manual for students of higher education institutions, test questions. (in Kyrgyz, Russian languages). - Jalal-Abad, 2022.

11. Avazov E.A. Study-methodical guide, test exam questions for students studying History, Man and Society. Jalal-Abad, 2021.

Research work:

Research work is carried out on current issues within the framework of the university scientific direction on the topic History of the socio-political and cultural life of Kyrgyzstan and initiative topics. Teachers compose and develop teaching aids, articles, and monographs.In recent years, teachers of the department have published more than 70 scientific articles, 4 monographs and more than ten teaching aids. The department maintains constant creative contacts with colleagues from leading and regional universities. Members of the department take an active part in conferences organized by the Heritage Fund and the public association KHS (Kyrgyz Historical Society). Teachers of the department give scientific reports at international, republican and regional scientific conferences. Scientific conferences, round tables, seminars and dissertations are held on the basis of the department.

Main publications of the department:


1. Aydarkulov K., Myrzabaeva N.S., Anarbekova V.E. Poem is a genre of memorializing a person. Jalal-Abad-2014.

2. Khalmatov K. A. “Myrzakul Bolush“: a scientific historical essay. Jalal-Abad, 2014.

3. Avazov E.A. Anjiyan Uprising and Chybyl Bolush, Jalal-Abad, 2014.

4. Avazov E.A. Anjiyan uprising from the history of liberation struggles in the Ferghana Valley, Osh, 2016.

5. Avazov E.A. 1916 Uprising in the Fergana Valley. Jalal-Abad, 2017.

6. Sulaimanov E.J., Chynikeeva G.E. History of Russia. Course of lectures for history students. - Jalal-Abad, 2021..

7. Sulaimanov E.J., Moldomusaeva A., Sopukulova A. Kyrgyzstan: History and Geography, (in Russian, English) Kyrgyzstan: History and Geography. (learning method manual for higher education institutions and foreign students, test questions. - Jalal-Abad, 2022.

8. Sulaimanov E.J., Moldomusaeva A., Anarbekova, V. Kyrgyzstan: history and geography. (tutorial manual for students of higher education institutions, test questions. (in Kyrgyz, Russian languages). - Jalal-Abad, 2022.

9. Avazov E.A. Study-methodical guide, test exam questions for students studying History, Man and Society. Jalal-Abad, 2021.

Participation in conferences, symposia and seminars

1. International conference "Life and activity of Alymkul Amir-Lashkerbashi (1831-18650), the famous statesman and military commander of the Kokon Khanate" (Uzbekistan, ANMU, 2018)

2. Anzhiyan uprising: the beginning of liberation movements against the Russian herd policy and its problems" international scientific and experimental conference (OshSU, 2018)

3. International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the life and state activities of Alymkul Asan bii uulu (1831-1865) (JASU, 2019)

4. 75 years since the Great Victory: the historical significance of the Great Patriotic War International scientific and practical online conference (JASU, 2019)

5. FOR LIFE ON EARTH: 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. All-Russian scientific and practical conference on the basis of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University (2020).

6. International scientific and practical conference "Battle of Talas and its historical significance" (TALSU 2021)


8. "Jusup Abdrakhmanov - Founder of Kyrgyz Statehood" republican online scientific and experimental conference. (TalSU 2021)

9. "30 years of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic: YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW" republican scientific and practical conference. (TalSU 2021)

10. "Problems and perspectives of the development of the process of globalization - the basis for the successful formation and development of the unity of the society" of the 60th anniversary of Professor Omurzakova S.A. (MNU named after K.Sh. Toktomamatova 2022)

11. "Kasym Tynystanov: the beginning of statehood and enlightenment" republican scientific and practical conference (named after Kasym Tynystanov. Issyk-Kul State University 2022)

12. International scientific-practical conference "History of the Ferghana Valley in modern studies" (OGPU 2022)

13. “TURK DUNYASI” SEMPOZYUMU “International Symposium on the Turkic World” (Turkey Erzincan 2022)

14. “NIMSI-ILIMDIN ACHKYCHY” IV-International scientific and practical conference. (NIMSI Jalal-Abad November 30, 2022)

15. Current problems of Russian history scientific and practical conference. (MNU named after K.Sh.Toktomamatov 2023)

16. MNU named after K. Sh. Toktomamatova "Actual Issues of the History of the Motherland" (Jalal-Abad city, January 24, 2023).

(Members of the department participate in conferences, symposiums and seminars)

Center, office, laboratory:

5 classrooms and a historical-ethnographic museum function at the department. The historical and ethnographic museum was created with the opening of the Department of General History in 1996. The museum collects rare examples of monuments of archaeology, ethnography, as well as rare examples of monuments of archaeology, ethnography, as well as rare materials of the history of the Kyrgyz peopleThis material is used by teachers as visual aids when conducting classes on the subjects "Archaeology", "Ethnography", "Museology and archival science", "Ancillary historical disciplines" and "History of Kyrgyzstan". Every year, the museum is replenished with historical exhibits.

Names and titles of classrooms and working rooms assigned to the department

1. 2/301- office of the head of the department

2. 2/301- classroom "History of Kyrgyzstan"

3. 2/305- classroom "History of the World"

4. 2/312- classroom "Archaeology"

5. 2/323-Methodological branch of the Department of History

Historical and Ethnographic Museum

The most important results of the department’s work:

The Socio-Economic Education program implemented by the department took second place in the rating of educational programs of JASU for the results of 2017-2018. According to the results of the IAAR assessment in the independent ranking of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2019 and 20020. the ongoing program took third place. In the independent ranking of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2020, associate professor E.A. was included in the TOP 30. Avazov in terms of research activity indicators.

of the VII Interuniversity Regional Olympiad 2018, Osh, Osh
Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute.
Winners of the VII Interuniversity Regional Olympiad 2018, Osh, Osh Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute.

Member of the department in public life in the region and republic:

On Tuesdays every week since 2020, Associate Professor of the Department of History Anarbaeva G.A. presents an overview of historical events, facts that occur in the process of development of sovereign Kyrgyzstan on Jalal-Abad regional television and radio company in the TV program "History of history". Exactly or all members of the department actively participate in public awareness of the region and the republic.