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The State Language Department

Kubanychbek Bekbolotovich

Leading specialist of the state language


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Last visit:

10 months ago

Department of State Language of Jalal-Abad State University named after Osmonov was established by order of the rector of JASU №361 dated January 10, 2001. By the decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, № 155 dated July 1, 2013, "On measures to develop the state language and improve language policy in the Kyrgyz Republic", № 788 dated 20 November 2015 "On Approval Model Staffs of Organizations of Secondary and Higher Professional Education of the System of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic".

Department of state language at the faculties and colleges of Jalal-Abad state university named after B. Osmonov sets the following goals to improve the dissemination and development of the state language:

Goals of the Department of State Language:

* Knowledge of the state language as the language of science;

* Widely use and disseminate on the Internet the achievements of the University in the state language;

* To glorify the national language. Increase respect for the state language among students, professors, and teaching staff;

* Control over the literacy of business papers and billboards in the state language;

* Providing guarantees of the university in improving and developing the language culture of the state language of newly arrived foreign students;

* Implementation of a language policy that has achieved large-scale, effective use of the state language as a factor in strengthening the unity of Kyrgyz citizens with respect for the languages of different nationalities and ethnic groups studying in JASU;

* Educate a large group of new generation students of Jalal-Abad State University who are fluent in the state, official, and international languages;

* To develop the writing of Ph.D. and doctoral theses in the state language;

* Conducting state examinations in the Kyrgyz language for graduates.

Functional responsibilities Department of State Language:

• To work within the framework of the legislation on the state language, following the provisions of the National Commission on the state language of the Kyrgyz Republic;

• To conduct on the development of the state language, following the regulations on the National Commission for the state language of the Kyrgyz Republic;

• To contribute to the competent, record keeping in the state language in the departments and faculties of JASU;

• Improving the quality of writing term, diploma, master's theses in the curriculum of educational standards in the state language;

• Control over the literacy of writing billboards in the Kyrgyz language on the territory of the educational institution;

• To complete the translation of documents into the state language in all structures of Jalal-Abad State University (departments, faculties, dormitories, colleges) in 2015-2020.

• Strengthen the development of the state language and the spread of its functional ways;

• Strengthen the role of the faculty in increasing the level of literacy in the state language;